You can use either:
Please, use one form for one attendee. Feel free to ask questions to the local organizers.
At least one author per talk must be registered.
Fees per person include: admission to the sessions, proceedings, 3 lunches, coffee-breaks, social events (banquet, excursion to Dinan), a bag including a notepad and a pen, and a gift.
The rates are
*: a copy of the student card will be requested.
Accompanying persons are very welcome at the Dinan excursion and banquet. The number of accompanying persons is asked on the online and offline form. Cost is 65€.
Only written cancellation will be taken into account. At least, one author per paper should remain registered. Please note that 50 € as cancellation / administrative charge will be retained for cancellation before August 31th, 2008. No refund after this date.