RESIM 2008 will be held in Rennes(France), at IRISA - INRIA Rennes Bretagne Atlantique, September 24-26, 2008.
RESIM 2008 is the 7th workshop in a series of successful events held on the same topic in Aachen (Germany) 1997, Enschede (The Netherlands) 1999, Pisa (Italy) 2000, Madrid (Spain) 2002, Budapest (Hungary) 2004, and Bamberg (Germany) 2006.
It covers all aspects of rare event simulation ranging from purely theoretical developments to practical applications. The objective is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners working in different locations and on different applications to present recent results, exchange ideas, and discuss open problems and new directions.
Best student paper award, sponsored by the Fondation Metivier, to Denis I. Miretskiy. for his paper "Simplicity and Efficiency of Importance Sampling for a Tandem Queue with Server Slow-down" (co-authored with W.R.W. Scheinhardt and M.R.H. Mandjes).